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Capture Your Own Gold Medal With An Active Retirement Community

We just concluded another Winter Olympics and watched as athletes from various countries gather in Pyeongchang, South Korea. As we saw competitors from Norway, Germany, the United States and other countries climb the podium to accept their medals, it makes us wonder how to keep striving, keep achieving, keep persevering throughout this journey we call life.  To find the answer to these questions, many times we need look no further than our relatives and neighbors who have reached their senior years.

When we talk to our parents and grandparents, it amazes me what a great attitude they have and how they keep growing and improving with age. No doubt, our forefathers have seen plenty of challenges in their lives.  They’ve seen wars, poverty, loss of loved ones, physical ailments.  They’ve also seen plenty of good.  Growing a family, good friends, building a business, establishing a career.  But what has given many of these seniors the ability to thrive is the ability to plan ahead and the ability to adapt.

Some seniors choose to call an active retirement community like John Knox Village East home. Being in a Life Care Community, like John Knox Village East, allows people to plan out the stages of their life no matter their physical condition.   Knowing that their healthcare is planned for gives residents a peace of mind that others don’t enjoy.  They don’t have to worry where their care is going to come from or what it is going to cost should they need higher levels of care such as Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing or Rehab Care. Having this part of their life planned out, allows people to stay in the moment and enjoy one of the best times of their lives enjoying the peace of mind that comes from living here.

We help people enjoy an active lifestyle if they want to be busy. In an active retirement community, there is always something to do and something new to learn, which helps keep people growing and striving.  There’s always a new restaurant to try out as part of our supper club.  There’s various on-site activities to participate in such as musical performances, book club, crafting club and others.  Some upcoming events we have are an Irish Music performance, we are having an author come talk to us about a book he’s written called Soaring With Vultures and we’re hosting a pancake dinner.  We’re also participating in a Walk Across America program where we reach a new destination every month and learn something new about the location.

Just as Olympic athletes have a routine they go through to achieve their optimal performance, there’s something to be said for having a routine as you age. By living at a Life Care Community, like John Knox Village East, you can benefit from the routine of having coffee with the same group of guys everyday regardless of the weather.  You can benefit from the routine of having health meals provided for you even if you don’t feel like cooking.  You can benefit from having the mental stimulation of the various activities and friends you’ll make even if you don’t feel like getting out today.  You can benefit from provided transportation that allows you to get where you need to go even if the roads aren’t in good shape.  You can benefit from having healthcare workers on site to make sure major health issues are headed off and help you recuperate from setbacks.

If you’d like to find out how you can get your Gold Medal in aging on your terms with a plan in place, give us a call at 660-584-4416 or fill out the form on our website. We’d be happy to show you how others just like you have mastered the sport of getting the most life out of their years.

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