Resiliency in Tough Times
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….these opening words from Charles Dicken’s A Tale of Two Cities seem to be rather appropriate for our current circumstances. While we haven’t previously seen an epidemic and nationwide shut down like we are currently experiencing, we HAVE SEEN the true spirit of people the likes of which we haven’t seen frequently either. This is true at John Knox Village East, too.
People’s resiliency in spite of current circumstances continues to inspire us. Virginia, Helene, Wanda and others have their morning exercise time on their patios and balconies. Gwen, Rita and Judy regularly take walks with furry friends. Others have volunteered to make masks. Several folks have tried something new such as puzzles they don’t normally do, a new game or video chats with loved ones. Bright spirits, positive attitudes and willingness to make the best of a bad situation should be an example to us all. Thank you so much for your positive spirits. People who live at John Knox Village East have had to be resilient in other ways too.
People have had to adjust their social habits, staying in apartments and limiting exposure at retail locations and other business places to keep the community as a whole safe. We’ve had to agree to have wellness checks every day to make sure no one is showing signs or symptoms of illness. We’ve had to forego social meals and resort to having our meals delivered to our apartments. We’ve also had to have our mail delivered daily to our apartment doors. These are sacrifices folks make for the greater good of the community; however, most take comfort in the fact that they’re in a place that in many ways is better prepared to keep people healthy.
At John Knox Village East, we employ many methods to keep people healthy year round. Firstly, we promote health and wellness classes and routines all the time, keeping people healthy and more resistant to sickness. We also help keep folks well-nourished which contributes to better overall health. Socialization and activities promote better mental and psychological health which contributes to overall well-being. Furthermore, we clean living areas and common areas on a routine basis and have increased disinfectant procedures to mitigate the spread of germs. In addition, many initial health screenings and issues can be addressed by on site healthcare professionals eliminating the need for some doctor’s office visits and thus exposure to sick people. We’ve also helped facilitate telehealth appointments and communication with patients and their doctors to keep people safe where they’re at.
As the old saying goes, life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we deal with it. The bright spot in our current state of affairs is that it has made us adopt some procedures that will continue to be useful and convenient long after the current shelter in place orders have passed.
If you have questions about the services we’re offering, call us at 660-584-4416 or email us at to find out more.